
Amazing plans

$0 / month

Great for personal users who are considering analytics.

  • 10 shortened URLs per day in a month.
  • Link statistics - Simple
$3 / month - $33 / Year

Great for users who are considering analytics and want to close monitor the links that they share on a bigger scale.

  • 1550 shortened URLs per day in a month.
  • Link statistics - Simple
  • QR code
  • Protect Link With Password
  • Custom Alias
  • Smart Targeting
  • Quick Link Tool
  • Mass Shrinker Tool
  • Developers API Tool
  • Bookmarklet Tool
  • Manage Links
$6 / month - $66 / Year

Great for users/companies and the self-employed who are considering to scale up and send links on to a bigger audience.

  • 3333 shortened URLs per day in a month.
  • Link statistics - Advanced
  • QR code
  • Protect Link With Password
  • Custom Alias
  • Smart Targeting
  • Quick Link Tool
  • Mass Shrinker Tool
  • Developers API Tool
  • Bookmarklet Tool
  • Manage Links
  • Use Bundles
Customised plan

Perfect for businesses and large organizations. Custom solutions tailored to your needs.

  • Customized URL shortening services
  • Advanced link analytics and reporting
  • Priority support and dedicated account manager
  • Integration with existing systems
  • Scalable solutions for large user bases
  • And much more...